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Casino Work - #2

I know that my work at the Casino raised some eyebrows. Especially those Religious People who have never dared to reach out. I know there are others that may have questioned my motives.

My first article has had more readers than any of my other posts. I find that very interesting. I’m not sure why you clicked there. I can think of several reasons why. Some good and some not so good.

So, please … not conclude that I must be up to no good. I’m trying to do what the Lord has asked of me (and all of us). It’s a matter of obedience for me.

I want to speak to those who don’t know what to do with me. Most Christians have never prayed with anyone. More than most have never shared the Gospel. In my opinion 99.9% have never prayed with someone to receive Christ. Then I’ve heard them say, don’t ever ask me to pray for the power to fill you. I ask is that because you don’t have any power yourself ?

My calling and my recent work has been to people groups that would never darken the doors of a traditional church.

Missionaries go to foreign cultures and we praise them. What about the mission field right at our doorstep?

The Casino Culture is an unreached people group. This world is rife with Carnal Life. It’s a sick world made up of individuals that need Christ.

There are Rich People, Poor People, Addicts, Crooks, Greedy People with Mental Illness and on… and on. You know what I’m talking about.

The Casino Preys on the weakness of others.

These people need faith. They need hope. They need a friend that cares. I found people that need encouragement to face tomorrow’s challenges.

It’s all about breathing life back into them. It’s about helping them to become stronger.

Many of the employee’s that I befriended were trapped in a system with no way out. It was a travesty to see them not paid enough to survive.

The pay scale alone exposed the greed of the management. It was abusive.

An employee that I learned to care about worked in the maintenance department. He was living under tree about 600 yards from the employee entrance. He had no money, no car and no teeth. He walked to work. He washed up in the restroom and put on his uniform. I watched this man work hard. Very few knew him. Most avoided him because he smelled.

I learned to have compassion for his soul. He was a fine man but he was trapped. On one occasion, he told me his story. Life was good and then a divorce pulled him down. He was financially buried. No one was there to help him up. Now he was stuck in the vicious cycle of the down and out.

Jesus calls us to reach out to those who have these kinds of issues.

Before you question my motives think about our calling to GO.

There are plenty of believers (possibly you) that have never taken the time to learn the name of someone like him.

When Jesus told us to go into all the world and make disciples. He only told us to stay back once. He said wait till you receive the power.

So …. If you want a deeper spiritual life. If you want a richer meaningful existence. Try taking the leap of faith. Trust the Lord. Overcome your fears and dare to do His work.

The work is not for a few paid professionals it’s for all of us. I’m asking what are you doing that requires the Lord to come through. What are you doing that gives him a chance to use you.

Following my calling gives me the authority to speak on these things.

I am not perfect. I have my own issues. I have made huge mistakes. I am still trying. Trust me I’m trying …!!! Trust me it’s not easy. I still must GO.

Let him who has ears to hear … hear

The Apostle Paul called out the religious people and said:

2 Tim 3:5-7

Paul said:

You have the form of Godliness but deny the power there of. Avoid these kind of people

Matthew 28:16

Jesus said:

Go into all the world and make disciples


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Church Altar

Long time Pastor, long time talker, long time thinker. Follow along with the thoughts and experiences of my life. Maybe we can both learn something along the way.


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